

The models are implemented within the following applications:

  • cms.contexts, where websites, webpaths and EditorialBoard Users and Permissions can be defined

  • cms.templates, where multiple page templates and blocks can be managed

  • cms.medias, specific app for management, upload and navigation of media files.

  • cms.menus, specific app for navigation bar management.

  • cms.carousels, specific app for Carousel and Slider management.

  • cms.pages, where we can create a Page linked to a Webpath.

  • cms.publications, where Editorial boards publish contents in one or more WebPaths.

  •, MongoDB Search Engine and management commands i.e. CLI.

The module cms.contexts defines the multitenancy feature. Each WebPath would have a related web pages. Each context have users (Editorial Board Editors) with single or multiple permissions (see cms.contexts.settings.CMS_CONTEXT_PERMISSIONS)

The modules and cms.publications defines how a Page or a Publication is built. A Page is nothing but a composition of blocks, rendered in a HTML base template. This means that a page is just container block where multiple block can be defined in different order and fashion. For every page we must define to context (webpath) belonging as well as the template that we wish to adopt to be rendered by HTML.



This section describes how WebPath works and how it can be configured.

  • path value match

  • child path behavior

  • the role of .get_full_path()

  • some use cases and strategies: third-party url, webpath aliases, intheritance by webpath childs

Post Pre Save Hooks

By default Pages and Publication calls pre and post save hooks. Django signals are registered in cms.contexts.signals. In we can register as many as desidered hooks within single or multiple models. Django signals will load them in each pre/post save/delete events.

    'Publication': {
        'PRESAVE': [],
        'POSTSAVE': ['',],
        'PREDELETE': ['',],
        'POSTDELETE': []
    'Page': {
        'PRESAVE': [],
        'POSTSAVE': ['',],
        'PREDELETE': ['',],
        'POSTDELETE': []
    'Media': {
        'PRESAVE': ['cms.medias.hooks.set_file_meta',
        'POSTSAVE': [],
        'PREDELETE': [],
        'POSTDELETE': ['cms.medias.hooks.remove_file']
    'Category': {
        'PRESAVE': ['cms.medias.hooks.webp_image_optimizer'],
        'POSTSAVE': [],
        'PREDELETE': [],
        'POSTDELETE': ['cms.medias.hooks.remove_file']
    'PublicationAttachment': {
        'PRESAVE': ['cms.medias.hooks.set_file_meta',],
        'POSTSAVE': [],
        'PREDELETE': [],
        'POSTDELETE': []

Template tags

The HTML template and/or an HTML page block can also adopt some of the template tags that shipped with uniCMS and Django. UniCMS template context by default comes with the following two objects:

    'webpath': Context object (cms.contexts.models.WebPath)
    'page': Page object (cms.pages.models.Page)

Based on informations taken from these objects as input uniCMS adopts some additionale custom templatetags as outlined below. These templatetags will also work in Page Blocks that would take, optionally, the HTML template as parameter.


  • load_carousel
    renders in the template the first active carousel in section or the identified one, with translated items.
    arguments: context, section, template, carousel_id

    {% load_carousel section="template-section" template="template.html" %}
    {% load_carousel carousel_id="1" %}


  • breadcrumbs
    builds webpath breadcrumbs. If leaf, appends leaf breadcrumbs.
    arguments: webpath, template (opt, default=breadcrumbs.html), leaf (opt)
    example: {% breadcrumbs webpath=webpath template="breadcrumbs.html" %}

  • call
    calls any object method and also pass to it whatever **kwargs.
    arguments: obj, method, kwargs
    example: {% call obj=publication method="get_url_list" category_name=cat %}

  • language_menu
    builds a data dict with {lang_cod:(lang_label, url)} pairs. If a template is present, passes it data.
    arguments: teamplate (opt)

   {% language_menu as language_urls %}
   {% for cod,params in language_urls.items %}
   <li><a class="list-item" href="{{ params.1 }}"><span>{{ params.0 }}</span></a></li>
   {% endfor %}


  • load_menu
    renders in the template the first active menu in section or the identified one, with translated items.
    arguments: context, section, template, menu_id

    {% load_menu section="template-section" template="menu.html" %}
    {% load_menu menu_id="1" %}


  • cms_categories
    returns all CMS content categories.
    example: {% cms_categories %}

  • load_blocks
    it would be configured in the base templates and defines where the blocks would be rendered. it takes section as argument, to query/filter only active blocks that belongs to that section.
    arguments: section (opt)
    example: {% load_blocks section="banner" %}

  • load_link
    gets a URL as parameter and pass it to a template.
    arguments: template, url
    example: {% load_link url="" template="iframe-video.html" %}

  • load_page_title
    returns a translated page title.
    arguments: page
    example: {% load_page_title page=page %}


  • load_publication
    pass a single active publication to a template.
    arguments: template, publication_id
    example: {% load_publication publication_id="1" template="publication-layout.html" %}

  • load_publications_preview
    returns all published publications in a context and passes them to a template.
    arguments: template, section (opt), number (opt, default=6), in_evidence (opt, default=False), categories_csv (opt), exclude_categories (opt, default=False), tags_csv (opt)

    {% load_publications_preview template="publ.html" number="3" %}
    {% load_publications_preview template="publ.html" categories="Research, Study" %}
    {% load_publications_preview template="publ.html" categories="Research" exclude_categories=True %}
    {% load_publications_preview template="publ.html" tags_csv="read, sport" %}
    {% load_publications_preview template="publ.html" in_evidence=True %}


  • blocks_in_position
    returns True if there are active blocks in passed position or its childs, else False.
    arguments: position
    example: {% blocks_in_position position="section-1" %}

  • supported_languages
    returns settings.LANGUAGES
    example: {% supported_languages %}


There are circumstances and scenarios where is necessary to create specific applications with templates and templatetags, detached from the pages that are configured within the CMS. The cms.publications.handlers for instance, it manages the pages for navigation of publications (List) and opening a publication (View).

In such scenario the handlers have to be registered in as follow:

CMS_PUBLICATION_VIEW_PREFIX_PATH = 'contents/news/view/'

CMS_PUBLICATION_URL_VIEW_REGEXP = f'^(?P<context>[\/a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]*)({CMS_PUBLICATION_VIEW_PREFIX_PATH})(?P<id>[0-9]*)-(?P<slug>[a-z0-9\-]*)'

    'cms.publications.handlers.PublicationViewHandler' : CMS_PUBLICATION_URL_VIEW_REGEXP,
    'cms.publications.handlers.PublicationListHandler' : CMS_PUBLICATION_URL_LIST_REGEXP,


The paths defined in CMS_HANDLERS_PATHS generates the list of reserved words to be considered during validation in cms.contexts.models.WebPath. Therefore, they create the list of reserved words that cannot be used as path value in cms.contexts.models.WebPath.


cms.contexts.middleware.detect_language_middleware: detects the browser user language checking both ?lang= request arg and the web browser default language. This required to handle the Menu, Carousel and localized Publication.

cms.contexts.middleware.show_template_blocks_sections: toggles, for staff users, the display of block sections in pages.

cms.contexts.middleware.show_cms_draft_mode: toggles, for staff users, the draft view mode in pages.

Example data

If you want to dump and share your example data:

./ dumpdata --exclude auth.permission --exclude accounts --exclude contenttypes --exclude sessions --exclude admin --indent 2 > ../dumps/cms.json